Saturday, March 3, 2018

4 New "Effective Teaching Methods" to WOW your students

1. The Desire Method

where you give students what they really want to learn, the headlines that you write should be interesting and they would be like a promise you give for your students, it what they want to learn.

2.How does NOT knowing your content ultimately hurt their future success?

Show students how they would feel if they lack the knowledge, let them see examples, and focus on the feeling of loss.

3. The Preview Strategy: How To Create Anticipation For Your Curriculum

They can’t have something they WANT right now? tell them that they will reach to their learning goals after they follow on certain path, they share and learn until they fulfill their desired goals.

4. A Wild Secret for Effective Teaching: Teach with VAK

Teachers should be aware of the different types of learners which are: Visual , Audio and Kinesthetic learners, that is why as teachers we should include their preferences in our lesson plans to guarantee that they are all hooked.



Bullying is hurting or doing an unwanted behavior, it is acted against a person or a group of children, or students . The aggressive b...