Thursday, March 1, 2018

ADHD event 22-02-2018(Dr Huda Shaaban)

I attended a seminar with a specialized AD/HD doctor, she focused on the strengths of the people who have this Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, she explained that there are several cases in this domain , the person could be AD only or HD, or he can have both. Dr. Shaaban gave ways that we can help students with so that they don't reach to the negative results that are caused by ADHD, she said that whenever we give students with this disorder suitable opportunities, then they can shine in the sky of success, and not any success. People with this disorder are extremely creative, they just need care and guidance since this disorder is a lack of a kind of neurons that is responsible for retrieving and sending messages. I got a full clear image about this disorder and I'm excited to search for more information about this case.
For more information about the Dr, you can connect to the following link:


  1. Nice post. Unfortunately most teachers judge students who move a lot in their seats or make noise as students with ADHD. Dr.Huda must have given some specific indicators for teachers to detect students with ADHD case.

  2. it ia an interesting topic, I think all the educators and teachers plus the parents should have these information, because they mostly make wrong diagnoses for their kids.

  3. It is good to talk about such disorder and that to get rid of the myths and misconceptions that are in some people's minds. Teachers and parents must attend such seminar and that to have a clear view and enough information about ADHD cases.



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