Teachers play vital roles in the lives of students in their classrooms. Teachers play their roles as teachers, guide and counselor .Despite of being hired as educators, they know well that their duty is bigger than that. Teachers spend a great time with students, they communicate with their students and improve their skills at a level that parents don't really have a lot of freedom to control. Further more, teachers serve many other roles in the classroom. They set the tone for their classroom, build a warm environment, mentor and nurture students, become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble. Students spend a great deal of time with their teacher and therefore the teacher does become a role model. Teachers are there not only to teach but to love and care for them. Another role is a protector role. Teachers are taught to look for signs of trouble in the students. When students' behaviors change or physical signs of abuse are noticed, teachers are required to look into the problems.
yes,, teachers should play a vital role in developing the child's personality and care for teaching things that they'll need for their full lives, as well as a teacher should know that her stamp will affect on the students future in a way or another :)
ReplyDeleteIn a way or another we are shaping our students' personalities. we have the role of educator, mother, friend, and counselor. That;s why the counseling course is very important.
ReplyDeleteBullying is one of the most well known problems that happens in almost every school. we might not know that it happens but once we know we should make a move and help our students. both the bullies and the ones being bullied. Thank you for sharing I found it interesting.
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ReplyDeleteIt is really a great responsibility for the teachers to handle. That is why they should invest the time they spend with their students to build good relationships in order to trust each other and be able to play the different roles you mentioned. By the way, it is good to mention the counselor role which is very important to be reached by teachers but unfortunately, it is masked in our schools. So, teacher-training-centers and schools should insist to help teachers learn some essential skills to be able to practice this role.
ReplyDeleteYou showed us the importance of the "Counseling and Practice" course. As we see, the teacher's role is not only inside the classroom, the most important thing is to build a good relationship with students. A teacher is not only for delivering academic information for students, but also to be a guide and counselor. Looking for the problems of the students, understanding them and trying to help them, in turn, solving these problems will reflect on the students' academic results in their schools.
ReplyDeleteAs a teacher i spend with my students more than the time with my family so the relation will be more than a teacher and student so i will be the father and the mother and the friend and brother and sister, i will try to understand them and solving their problems and help them, all of these things will positevely reflects on their learrning
ReplyDeleteI agree. In EDUC667 course (Counseling), we consider a "teacher" and a "counselor" the same word because the teacher is responsible to be a counselor in the classroom and even outside the class.