Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Introducing Comedy In The Classroom

Innovative award-winning teaching using the performing arts and comedy improvisation as teaching tools, at the University of East Anglia, UK.
This university got some actors who are professional in comedy and taught their instructors ;who mostly have phd certificates; how to be funny in class. The goal from this step is to motivate students to share their creativity. The instructors participated in workshops that taught them how to be more confident and simple.
I wish I could attend such workshop.


  1. Being too serious in our classrooms will affect students' performance negatively, it is accepted to break up this bad routine (which is being serious all the time) because we need it and our students need to laugh. one joke will create positive atmosphere and students will feel more comfortable, they will also recharge their energy to continue their lesson. personally I love jokes and I hate being serious all the time so even if my students were shy or afraid to tell one joke I will absolutely tell them one .

  2. Sense of humor is one of the most important motivators for learners. Telling jokes or funny experiences can be at the expense of building good relationships among students with their teacher and with each other. In addition to that, any classroom can establish a perfect climate when students feel they're worth to be sharing their ideas and experiences without any fear.

  3. Good teachers are the reason after why ordinary students try to do extraordinary things, because they will trigger their curiosity and teach them with fun..
    we really need such initiatives in our countries too

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I really wish i could attend such workshop too!!! After all, a laugh every once and awhile doesn't kill anyone ;)

  6. Teachers like any one need to laugh and like what they do. Adding humor, caring and love in class relieves any stress and having a good environment let students feel safe,happy and secure.

  7. People say that laughter is the best medicine and the effects of humor in medicine have long been studied. Humor is a powerful tool by which in the presence of comedy or humor at the classroom the idea's will be effectively reached. Also the lesson that is explained in a humor and in a fun way wont ever be forgotten at all and students will keep on remembering it even though they become old.

  8. Seems very interesting. I mean who doesn't need a little bit of laughter through out the day. This means adding it to our teaching practices is more than essential. Our students need to breath out, and enjoy learning rather than sinking in the boredom of repetition.
    I'm sure you are going to make a wonderful teacher.
    Good luck Sarah!

  9. Sounds interesting. I have the same wish as yours. Inshalla one day we will have the chance to attend workshops for introducing comedy in education since its very needed to boost students` motivation.



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