Reflection on EDUC 560

The first application that we started with was the google drive which enables us as teachers to save the information we have on the cloud. This would help teachers carry their laptops in clouds and never losing information.
The forms is an application that is found on the drive, it helps teachers make exams, quizzes and questionnaires online. It saves a lot of time and papers, teachers can evaluate the papers with a click, I found it really professional.
The blogger is a really interesting and more professional way for communication, we can post privately on it, and it gives us an opportunity to create our own circles of friends

A webinar enables us to visit conferences or apply to webinars online. We get certificates online, it also gives us an opportunity to reach to information we never imagined we could have.

Image result for scientific poster design
I used to think that making a poster was something really easy but it turned to be that it is harder than I thought. New challenge, ready to take it!
After doing the poster I found it interesting to use in the school it would give empowerment to the teacher, I will absolutely use it as a teacher.

a website we explored that enables us of making rubrics really easily , it was the first time I found a website that facilitates our job as teachers. I wish I had discovered it long ago.

Great web quest, I was a part of a group , I enjoyed this experience of making a lesson plan and procedures on the internet, I wish i had this chance as a student to answer and use the internet in this clear and direct way. I hope I use it well in my future classes. 

This program looks like the power point, the nice thing about it is the ability to insert parts of the activities as games, which would be fun for students to work on. We got a chance to work on the smart board, I would like to get a closer look on it and to have a workshop about it.

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