Friday, March 9, 2018


Bullying is hurting or doing an unwanted behavior, it is acted against a person or a group of children, or students. The aggressive behavior is done for a certain purpose and it is a repeated behavior. Thus, it is considered bullying when there is repetition and imbalance of power between the kids who are bullied and those who bully others.

Types of bullying:

There are three types of bullying:

1)      Verbal bullying: is using hurtful and unkind words.  It includes: name calling, using put-downs or threatening people.

2)      Social bullying: it is damaging others’ good relations, causing them bad reputations and starting rumors about a person. It includes: cornering a person, making fun of him in the public, ignoring or leaving a person out and giving dirty looks.

3)      Physical bullying: It is abusing others or destroying their stuff. It includes: hitting, biting, breaking others’ possessions and producing unkind gestures and movements.

five tips to help preventing this problem.

The first one is practicing what you preach through listening before talking and reflecting before acting to ensure that all of the learners feel valued and connected to the school. This will be reflected later in their behaviors and willingness to stop bullying and valuing each other as humans and effective individuals.

Moreover, another tip is related  to assessing the extent of the problem through surveying students to find out how much bullying is taking place, what types of bullying are dominant as well as where and when bullying is taking place in order to know how to prevent it.

Another tip suggests developing a school- wide code of conduct in which school rules and values are reinforced and unacceptable behaviors are clearly defined. This provides students with standards to follow and helps them better identify the inappropriate behaviors.

Furthermore, increasing adult supervision is the fourth tip which focuses on the importance of having adults visible and vigilant in hallways, stairwells, cafeterias, locker rooms and buses because mostly bullying takes place when adults are not present.

Finally, the fifth tip suggests conducting bullying prevention activities such as creative arts highlighting school values to reinforce the idea that bullying isn’t accepted and to emphasize the importance of building one community within the school.
Part of the dynamics group work presentation


  1. Great topic to talk about, because teachers and most of the people don't really pay attention to the dangers of this problem and don't know how much responsibilities rely upon them to prevent or deal with this problem.

  2. Teachers of cycle one and kindergarten are most effective on young learners.Through common group work activities they can teach children to respect others regardless of sex,color or religion.This enhances better relationships and interaction.Children will be more connected to their peers and they will deal with each other peacefully and cooperatively.

  3. This is a significant problem we should pay attention to. in many cases students who were victims of bullying, they committed suicide. I remember your presentation when each one of your team talked about a child who unfortunately killed themselves to escape from bullying.

  4. While talking about bullying, we usually focus on students bullying each other and we forget the negative impact teachers leave on students when they bully them without even noticing. This takes place when the teacher directs a negative comment towards students or when he/she makes fun of them in front of the whole class. I think such a demotivating issue should be also taken into consideration when talking about this topic and awareness about the danger of its occurrence must be spread.

  5. Teachers in class must pay attention to the peoples who bullying other. they can avoid this, by washing them two different videos (students who bullying others vs students who do not) at the beginning of the year and let them to give their feedback and how each of the videos effect on others.

  6. Interesting topic to talk about and shed the light on it. Teachers aren't only supposed to teach their subject and leave the class, they are supposed to keep an eye on everything that happens in the class so they can avoid bullying in the class. Also, when teachers show love and respect towards students they will end up dealing with others in the same way.

  7. We have many problems in schools and bullying is one of them. Many teachers are not recognizing such problems because they are not knowing the symptoms of each problem. So we should shed light on these problems to help teachers know more about her student's problems and knows how to deal with them. Thank you for giving these information on bullying.

  8. Usually teachers find several cases of bullying in classrooms and most of the times they never take an action. Bullying can affect student negatively in which those who are being bullied can definitely become weak, low self-confident, discouraged and sometimes violent, then it turns out for them to be bullying others in different settings because those who bully seek and greatly gain the attention. The above information are very beneficial to spread among teachers in schools so they can become aware of bullying action s and able to solve such issues.

  9. Bullying is one of the most common wide spread issues in all the schools all around the world. As teacher we can't only stop it but also we can make students aware about this problem and it's effect on themselves and others. As teachers we can take an action and help students who are being bullied to speak up and the others to know how to act in case they got bullied.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. One of the essential topics we need to spread awareness about, several kids are suffering and nobody is taking an action, actually we have to start our campaign and let children learn more about this issue. Isolated kids and those who lack self-confidence might be the victims of bullying. Thus, it is our responsibility to speak out about this issue and train kids how to avoid being bullied and how to avoid bullying others. Good one Sarah!

  12. This topic never gets old. Bullying, with all its types, is found all around the world. As teachers, we have the ability to change things for both sides, those who bully others and who are bullied.

  13. This topic really affects me. I always remember a story of a Canadian girl who had suicide as a result of being bullies. She was a young little girl who was unable to handle that bad situation until she turned hopeless. Really such topics never gets old. It is always recommended for this topic to be current.

  14. These acts are really harmful,those students who bully their friends should be directed well by both parents and teachers,psychotherapy can help when needed.

  15. Bullying is a great topic to talk about, school bullying is atype of bullying that occurs in an educational setting. Bullying without comprehensive definition can be physical, sexual, verbal or emotional n nature. This can involve physical, emotional, verbal and cyberbullying.

  16. Bullying needs to be talked about in school administrations all over Lebanon. Abuse in all its forms, is unacceptable and we as educators need to raise awareness in school and home circles.



Bullying is hurting or doing an unwanted behavior, it is acted against a person or a group of children, or students . The aggressive b...